Thursday, December 20, 2012

Is Your Social Media Branding Working?

Originally Posted: September 18, 2012
This week's blog is courtesy of Deborah Richmond

Is Your Social Media Branding Working?
Is your online marketing working?  How can you tell?  Do people know you exist? Can they find you online?

Here's how you can find out if your social marketing is working. It's really simple.

1. Google yourself.

When you do, does the first page show any links that lead to you?  If it does, you're doing a good job of online branding. If it doesn't, you've got more work to do.  How can you make sure you come up on page 1 on Google when you Google your name? 

2. Get more content out there.  Do any or all of the following:

Post more on Twitter.
Blog more.
Connect your blog to Facebook. 
Update your LinkedIn profile.
Create a podcast.
Make some YouTube videos.

When I Google my name or the name of my business, you will find a listing for my website. You also see listings for my podcast, my blog posts, my Facebook page, my LinkedIn profile, and my YouTube videos. 

How did this happen? I create content all the time. Every week I'm putting something out there. Google has noticed.  If someone is looking for my business on the internet, they are going to find it right away.

This type of branding works, whether you own a business or are working to have your individual name be seen more often in your industry. Get your content to show up when someone Googles your name or the name of your business.  Plain and simple.


Deborah Richmond, owner of TekkBuzz Marketing, a social media and lead generation company.  She consults and speaks professionally about the use of social media and strategies to magnetically attract new business. Deborah is the author of the ebook, "Pump Up Your Profits with Social Media." She can be also be found on iTunes where she hosts a podcast called "The Tekkbuzz Social Marketing Podcast". 

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